Samoilova 17 Skopje, 1000 T: +389 (0)2 3110 123Opening hours
Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 17:00 Sunday 09:00 - 13:001954, Aktjubinsk, Kazakhstan, USSR
Eternal City, 2003
Plotter print on paper, 85 x 160 cm
Acquisition: Gift
Reference: 04017
Genia Chef (born Evgeny Scheffer, 28 January 1954) is a German-Russian artist (painting, graphic art, installations) living in Berlin. He is considered the founder of Post-Historicism, an art movement that combines elements of traditional painting with aesthetic experiments and interprets current events in the form of a new mythology.
This short introduction to the biography is from Wikipedia under an Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License.
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