Publications The Large Glass Journal No. 35/36, 2023

No. 35/36, 2023

The new volume of The Large Glass Magazine No. 35/36 intends to provoke debates regarding the present challenges in critical museology. Triggered by the ‘MoCA Skopje’ collection in Kunsthalle Vienna in 2023, it represents an effort to return our attention to the critical approaches and ways of questioning curatorial practices, museum collections, gallery spaces, and audiences. The issue provides insights and appreciation concerning the relations between critical museums, self-reflexivity, the representation of cultural diversities, practices of decolonization, and museology in more-than-human worlds.

The contributors to this issue are Katarzyna Murawska-Muthesius, Jesus Pedro Lorente, Sonja Abadžieva, Bojana Piškur, Adam Nocek, Marija Đorgović, Fiona R. Cameron, and the collective What, How & for Whom/WHW, etc.


Еditor-in chief: Tihomir Topuzovski

Assistant editors: Ivana Vaseva and Vladimir Janchevski

Layout: Denis Saraginovski

Pages: 150



Katarzyna Murawska-Muthesius:
The Critical Museum Postscriptum
Pedro Jose Lorente:
Self-reflective Museums and (meta)Museographical
Reappraisals: The Special Case of
Museums of Contemporary Art
Bojana Piškur:
Some thoughts on decolonizing the art institutions
Marija Đorgović:
From a Critique of the Institution to a Critical Institution?
The Case of the Museum of Yugoslavia
Sonja Abadžieva:
At the Center of the Cyclone
What, How & for Whom/WHW
No Feeling Is Final. The Skopje Solidarity Collection
Fiona R. Cameron:
Curating and Museologies in More-than-Human Worlds
Research and Exhibition Project:
Landscape of Anxiety
Adam Nocek:
On the Architectures of Hospitality in
Agroecological Urbanisms
The MoCA’s exhibition
All That We Have in Common
Jovanka Popova
The MoCA’s exhibition
Bitter Sugar
Multimedia project by Gjorgje Jovanovik
Vladimir Janchevski and Blagoja Varoshanec
The MoCA’s exhibition
The Future as a Project
Doxiadis in Skopje
Jovan Ivanovski, Vladimir Deskov,
Ana Ivanovska Deskova, Kalliopi Amygdalou,
Kostas Tsiambaos, Tea Damjanovska, Mihajlo
Stojanovski and Christos Kritikos.
The MoCA’s exhibition
On Defragmentation as a Freeing Mental Space and
Societal Necessity
Vladimir Janchevski and Blagoja Varoshanec


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