Theme: Art with Relation
Boris Petkovski, The Nature of the Engaged Art in Macedonia
Nebojsa Vilic, On ‘Art with Relation’ at ‘The End of the Century’, Macedonian situation 1985-1997
Konca Pirkovska, The Totalitarian Artocracy of Stankovski
Nebojsa Vilic, One Example: Zaneta Vangeli
Sonia Abadzieva, Tome Adjievski: Return to the Ontological Status of Nature/Environment
Marika Bocvarova, Igor Tosevski
Lutz Becker, Aspects of the Art of the Third Reich
Artist’s Pages
Mirna Arsovska, E(scapes)
Exhibitions in Focus
FLUXUS in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Skopje
Sonia Abadjieva, Fluxus-Prevention from Academic Crystalizations and Absolutisms, interview with Gabriele Knapstein.
Valentino Dimitrovski, Fluxus
Marina Abramovic in the Skopje City Museum
Suzana Milevska, Projection of High Energy, interview with Marina Abramovic
Liljana Nedelkovska, The Bridge, project by Marina Abramovic
Parallels, IFA Project in Berlin; Louis Cane Artiste Peintre: 1967-1997; Margarita Kiselicka, Slavco Sokolovski
Hans Belting: The End of the Art History