Events FILM: Yugoslav Experiment(s)

FILM: Yugoslav Experiment(s)

17/12- 18/12/ 2019

The special program Yugoslav Experiment(s) is focused on the Yugoslav avantgarde cinema from the 60s and the 80s and will be presented in two program sequences at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Skopje.

As a retrospective program, for the first time in Skopje, Yugoslav Experiment(s) will introduce an homage of Yugoslav cinema experimenters, focusing on both male and female authors who were active in the Split Cinema Club (Kino klub Spilt), one of the centers of the Yugoslav experimental cinema.

The film selection of the so-called amateur experimental cinema will be presented in two program sequences that include 11 films by the most audacious avantgarde male and female authors from Croatia, such as Ivan Martinac, Vjekoslav Nakic, Dunja Ivanisevic, Ante Verzotti etc.

The accompanying program involves a talk with Suncica Fradelic- the curator of the film selection and director of Split Cinema Club and a talk titled as Yugoslav Avantgarde: partisans, artists, revolutionaries and counter-revolutionaries with Tanja Vrvilo, one of the leading film critics and theorists from Zagreb, Croatia.

Yugoslav experiment(s) is realized in collaboration with Split Cinema Club, Croatia.

The participators in the discursive part of the program are Suncica Fradelic and Tanja Vrvilo.

The curator of the program for MoCA-Skopje is KumjanaNovakova.



17. December, 2019/ 18.00

Opening of Yugoslav Experiment(s)

Monologue on Split

Ivan Martinac, Yugoslavia(1962), 7′

After the Flood

Vjekoslav Nakic, Yugoslavia(1967), 8’8”


Ante Verzotti, Yugoslavia (1962), 3′

Caffe Manon 

Ranko Kursar, Yugoslavia (1967), 9’12”


Dunja Ivanisevic, Yugoslavia (1968), 6’12’

Talk with Suncica Fradelic, Split Cinema Club

18. December, 2019, 18H00

Ante Verzotti Retrospective


Yugoslavia(1966), 7’10”


Yugoslavia(1965), 8’30”


Yugoslavia (1965), 7′


Yugoslavia(1962), 3′


Yugoslavia (1966), 6’40”


Yugoslavia (1967), 4’30”

Yugoslav Avantgarde: partisans, artists, revolutionaries and counter-revolutionaries

Talk with Tanja Vrvilo and SucicaFradelic


Suncica Fradelic completed formal education in 2006, earning a MFA degree in Arts, Painting at the Academy of Arts in Split (UMAS). She has been at the helm of the Cine Club Split since 2008. Between 2006 and 2011 she worked as an external associate/assistant at UMAS, Department of Film and Video, on several courses (Short Film and Video, New Media, Performance etc.). In the period 2011 – 2016 she worked as a principal co-operator of Bela Tarr on development and implementation of the film.factoryprogramme in Sarajevo, as program coordinator for DLA and MA degrees and office manager of the film.factory project office. At the time, she established cooperation with renowned film directors, actors, producers, critics and film professionals. Her work experience covers numerous amateur, student and professional productions, co-productions and projects, workshops and educational programs, with job positions ranging from production supervisor, producer and executive producer to publishing, editorial, mentoring, curating and jury tasks. She has been an independent auteur since 2004. In 2017 she was elected as vice-president of the Youth Centre Platform in Split – union of associations for development of independent culture, and since beginning of 2019 she works as a coordinator for the same organization.

Tanja Vrvilo (Zagreb) is a performance artist and film curator, her work spans radical artistic praxes and education with a special interest on the politics ofaesthetics, invisible histories of avant-gardes and Japanese Cinema. She is authorof numerous essays and publications and has curated many long-term andfestival film programs for different disposes. She worked as a full-timelecturer and the head of BFA film studies at BélaTarr’sfilm.factory in Sarajevo.

As an actress, since late 1980s she performed in various institutional theatre productions and since 2000s she has been co-author and performer in diverse post-dramatic performances with neo-avant-garde artist and performer DamirBartolIndoš and House of Extreme Music Theatre. In 2007, she established in Zagreb a festival on the politics of film curatorship Film Mutations: Festival of Invisible Cinema whose 13-th edition KINOCLASH! FILM + POWER will be held in January and February 2020 at the Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb and Art- Cinema Croatia Rijeka under the scope of a broad program line Times of

Power of Rijeka – European Capital of Culture 2020.



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