1923, Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela – 2005, Paris, France
Untitled, 1970
Silkscreen on paper, 70 x 50 cm
Edition: 60/145; inscription b.l. 60/145, b.r. Soto
Acquisition: Gift
Reference: 01908
Jesús Rafael Soto (June 5, 1923 – January 17, 2005) was a Venezuelan op and kinetic artist, a sculptor and a painter.
Short introduction to the biography is from Wikipedia under the Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License.
Full entry: wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafael_Soto
1946, Maracaibo, Venezuela – 2019, Madrid, Spain
Construction, 1970
Wood, 78 x 99 x 14 cm
Acquisition: Gift
Reference: 01886
1923, Caracas, Venezuela – 2019, Paris, France
Chromatic Induction, 1980
Silkscreen on paper, 70 x 70 cm
Acquisition: Gift
Reference: 03477