Jerzy Treliński

1940, Szewna, Poland 


Intention, 1976

Photomontage and offset print on paper, 41 x 81,5 cm

Edition: 6/30; inscription b.l. Avtoofset “Intention” – 16/30-1976; b.r. J. Treliński

Acquisition: Gift

Reference: 02833

1894, Warsaw, Poland – 1988, Warsaw, Poland


Composition, 1964

Acrylic on plywood, 66 x 40 x 6 cm

Acquisition: Gift

Reference: 00334



Henryk Stażewski (pronounced: /stəʒɛfsk/ STa-zhef-skee; 9 January 1894 – 10 June 1988) was a Polish painter, visual artist and writer. Stażewski has been described as the “father of the Polish avant-garde” and is considered a pivotal figure in the history of constructivism and geometric abstraction in Central and Eastern Europe.

This introduction to the biography is from Wikipedia under an Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License

Entire entry atżewski

1921, Włocławku, Poland – 2000, Aleksandrów Kujawski, Poland


Boats, 1959

Aquatint on paper, 45 x 54,5 cm

Edition: 23/30; inscription: b.l: Lodiu 23/30; b.r.: Barbara Narebska Debska 1959

Acquisition: Gift

Reference: 00342

1931, Warsaw, Poland 


The Nile Bird, 1964

Etching on paper, 66 x 50 cm

Edition: a.p.; b.l: Е.А.; b.m: Oiseau du Vil; b.r.: B.Kwasniewska

Acquisition: Gift

Reference: 00804

1928, Vilnius, Lithuania – 2020, Suwałki, Poland


Ships, 1962

Oil on board, 40 x 100 cm

Acquisition: Gift

Reference: 01180



Strumillo studied at the State Higher School of Visual Arts in Łódź between 1945 and 1947 under the supervision of Władysław Strzemiński. When the academy changed its profile to one focused more on applied arts, he moved to Kraków. He received his diploma in 1950 at the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts. He belonged to the Self-Taught Group (Grupa Samokształceniowa) led by Andrzej Wróblewski (together with Andrzej Wajda, Jan Tarasin, Walerian Borowczyk and others).

The short introduction to Strumillo’s biography is from