Zoltan Kemény

1907, Banica, Romania – 1965, Zurich, Switzerland


Cut Across of Vision, 1962

Metal mounted on wood, 98 х 74 х 24 cm

Acquisition: Gift by the artist

Reference: 00260

1906, Pecs, Hungary – 1997, Paris, France


IOL, 1958

Oil on canvas, 130 х 89 cm

Acquisition: Gift

Reference: 00259


In December 1964 our Museum received Vazareli’s artwork, one of the first that arrived. This artwork has been chosen by Victor himself as an honor to the newly established Museum.


Victor Vasarely (9 April 1906 – 15 March 1997) was a Hungarian-French artist, who is widely accepted as a “grandfather” and leader of the Op art movement. His work titled Zebra, created in 1937, is considered by some to be one of the earliest examples of Op art.

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1946, Abda, Hungary


Individual Mythologic III, 1978

Photography, offset print on paper, 58,9 x 41,4 cm

Edition: 3/30, inscription b.l. Individual Mithologic III 30/3, b.r. Drozdik Orsolya 1978

Acquisition: Gift

Reference: 03115 



Orshi Drozdik (born 1946 in Hungary) is a feminist visual artist based in New York City. Her work consists of drawings, paintings, photographs, etchings, performances, videos, sculptures, installations, academic writings and fiction, that explore connected themes, sometimes over an extended period. Through her work, organized into several topics, she explores themes that undermine the traditional and erotic representation of women: Individual Mythologies, Adventure in Tecnos Dystopium, and Manufacturing the Self.

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1950, Budapest, Hungary


Hunters, 1981

Offset print on paper, 30 x 42 cm

Edition: 25/25; inscription: b.l:”Vadászdi” 1981; b.m: 25/25; b.r.: Szechy Beata; Above: Manipulalt foto a csala’di albumból

Acquisition: Gift

Reference: 03481


1935, Budapest, Hungary – 2020


Balcony (I), 1964

Photographic engraving, etching on paper, 65 x 49,5 cm

Edition: a.p., inscription b.l. Artists proof; b.m. ‘Le Balcon’; b.r. Agatha Sorel 1964

Acquisition: Gift

Reference: 00870


The cycle of 11 graphics (album) in aquatint and copperplate technique by Agatha Sorel actually represents very free illustrations, i.e. more variations on themes from the play Balcony by Jean Gennet (Jean Gennet, 1960). In these graphic sheets, through more abstract-associative fragments with the language of symbolism and surrealist undertones, he transports us to the social milieu of Mme Irma’s French brothel. 

Ljubica Damjanovska



Agatha Sorel is a London-based artist of Hungarian descent, specializing in painting, sculpture, printmaking and livres d’artiste. She is a Member of the Royal Watercolour Society and the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers, as well as a founding member of the Printmakers Council and was its Chairman in 1981-1983. She was one of the first artists who experimented with making objects and sculptures using print techniques.

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